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About ETY Rare Coins

Hi, my name is Gene Yotka, and I would like to tell you a bit about myself. My career journey has gone from opening my first rare coin business in 1970 when I was 13 years old. I was then called into Christian ministry when I was 40 years old. In 2019 I retired from pulpit ministry in the local Church. Now, since 2019 I have been running a ministry called The Awakening Institute and opened Eugene T Yotka Rare Coins. My faith in God governs both the ministry and the coin business. Between the ages of 13 and 40 I bought and sold some extraordinary individual rare coins and collections and helped many to form some wonderful collections. Between the ages of 40 and 62 I devoted all my energy to ministry in the local church. Today an extraordinary thing is going on in my life as ministry and living a Christ-like life now penetrate all I do. God has shown me that it is possible to love all people and to truly treat others as I wish to be treated. The Lord has given me the opportunity to learn what it means to follow Christ in ministry. The Lord has also allowed me to develop a numismatic expertise to help others in their numismatic pursuits. These may sound like two very different things, but for me they are a way of life. As a husband, a Father of 5 and grandfather to 8, I do my best to live in a Christ-like manner in my family and in  careers, which are all in Christ Jesus.      



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